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Extracurricular Activites

The extracurriculars will take place parallel to each other after the main conference, ie between ca 14:30-16:30 on the 17th of May 2024.

Parliament of Estonia 

How to fight populism while fighting climate change? What does green transition hold for cities?  Co-founder of Future Place Leadership Pärtel-Peeter Pere is now a member of the Parliament of Estonia.  In this session, we will discuss what cities we want to build for the future and what role the government can play. In Estonia, voting in elections takes a minute. So does declaring your taxes. Everything is online.  Pärtel will share his experience and discuss how urban and green transition looks from a politician's perspective.  This session will be held at Riigikogu, the Parliament of Estonia, a 15 minute walking distance from, well, everything.

Address: Lossi plats 1a, 15165 Tallinn

Lift 99

LIFT99 Tallinn Hub  is the flagship of Estonian vibrant startup community & the go-to place for founders. Join us to explore what needs scaleups have from the public sector as they grow in people and look to expand internationally? How can the scaleups attract the talents they need in collaboration with places and how can places be attractive as foreign direct investment locations, when they go global?

Address: Telliskivi 60a/5, B-building, 10412, 10412 Tallinn

e-Estonia Briefing Centre / Work in Estonia

e-Estonia Briefing Centre

Get the successes and lessons of the e-Estonia digitalization journey from the hub of digitalisation. The point of departure will be Estonia as a test-bed mentality: permissive legal environment, large pool of open big data and collaboration of government-private sector-academia, making Estonia a pioneer of many emerging technologies for simply daring to test first. In addition to covering the present and the post-digital future of e-governance excellence, the session will bring you to the Ülemiste Business district where innovation happens first. From IoT, big data to smart energy systems and more – Ülemiste City developer will showcase how to build a data-based smart community that is the 3rd largest economy of Estonia.

After the briefing centre those interested will walk over to Work in Estonia (they are located next door).There you’ll explore the dynamic strategies employed by Work in Estonia to enhance talent attraction and retention. Delve into their innovative marketing campaigns, impactful collaborations with companies, and synergies with various unions. Additionally, uncover the pivotal role played by the International House of Estonia in welcoming and supporting international talent, offering a myriad of tailored services to facilitate their integration.


Address: Öpiku maja, Valukoja 8, 11415 Tallinn



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